Cafe Cheese – Online Gourmet Cheese

Cafe Cheese – Online Gourmet Cheese

Cafe Cheese Company – Online Gourmet Cheese

Recommended Gourmet Cheese:
Cypress Grove Chevre – Lamb Chopper Goat Cheese
Cypress Grove Chevre – Midnight Moon Goat Cheese

Founded in 1983, Cypress Grove Chevre is one of the best-known artisan goat cheese companies.

Cypress Grove Chevre — Lamb Chopper Goat Cheese
Aged just 3-6 months, this cheese develops a deep buttery color and smooth texture. Made in Holland exclusively for Cypress Grove Chevre, Lamb Chopper Goat Cheese is a sure crowd pleaser and a favorite with kids!

Cypress Grove Chevre — Midnight Moon Goat Cheese
Aged six months or more, this blushing, ivory-colored cheese is dense and smooth with a slight crunch of protein crystals that form naturally with aging. Made in Holland exclusively for Cypress Grove Chevre, Midnight Moon Goat Cheese is nutty and brown buttery up front with a long caramel finish.

Visit our online store for other recommended gourmet cheeses from around the world. Cafe Cheese – Milk Life To The Fullest…

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