London 2012 Opening Ceremony NBC Olympic Theme & Trailer – “This Dream” (HD)

London 2012 Opening Ceremony NBC Olympic Theme & Trailer – “This Dream” (HD)

ímagíneRecordings artist, ísland, created the inspiring anthem, “This Dream”, featured prominently in this NBC promo spot for the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games.
Also featuring special guest, Brent Kutzle of OneRepublic, on cello.
So be ínspíred….ímagíne the finish line….and líve this dream…
— ímagíneRecordings —

Artist: ísland
Song: “This Dream” (feat. Brent Kutzle)
Prod: Colin Thomas, Skylyter
©2012 ímagíneRecordings, ©2012 NBC Universal
Video courtesy of NBC Universal.