So, you want your kids to exercise? Get a trampoline.

They never have to know it’s good for them!

When parents say, “it’s good for you,” kids usually run the other way. To them, it’s good for you means that it’s no fun, boring, or worst of all, hard work. As a wise parent you are aware of this and have devised tricks: you hide vitamins in their favorite food and you give them toys that are secretly educational. But, what trick can you use to get them to exercise? How do you get them off the couch, away from TV and video games and outside for a healthy workout? The answer? Get a trampoline.

You won’t even have to beg. Kids love to jump on trampolines and they will take to it naturally and continue for hours without realizing they are getting a really good workout. You will know it, however, and will feel like the great parent you are for providing a safe and effective form of exercise for your kids that has been proven to build stamina, improve coordination, flexibility, agility, and balance. Trampoline exercise is aerobic, meaning it is the type of exercise that strengthens the heart and enhances respiratory and circulatory efficiency, the most important indicators of health. Your kids won’t care about that, however, they will care only about the sense of unrestricted freedom and fun they are experiencing while jumping on their new trampoline.

Can something so fun really be the best workout?

Many doctors, coaches, trampoline experts, and even NASA astronauts – who use trampoline exercises to counteract the effects of weightlessness – agree that trampoline exercise provides the most time and energy-efficient workout possible. Calories burn more efficiently during trampoline exercise and there is less stress on the body than with jogging, running, or jumping rope. Trampoline exercise can benefit all kids, even those with no particular athletic prowess or experience in sports; jumping is as natural as walking. On the other hand, for those kids who may already be involved in other sports, trampoline exercise – as a method of cross-training – can improve basic fitness as well as enhance skills and abilities required by almost every other sport.

Getting kids to exercise these days is not easy. There are so many sedentary attractions competing for time and attention. But it’s so important! Childhood obesity and illnesses stemming from obesity are on the rise. To combat these trends, pull out what could be one of the best tricks of all in your parental arsenal. Get your kids a trampoline and just watch while they voluntarily get the best workout possible every single day.

Just don’t tell them it’s good for them!