Trampoline Exercise – Miraculous

By fay roberts

So you’ve had your morning jog?

Got your heart rate up?

Paid your dues at the Gym?

Worked your biceps, your quads and abdominals?

But did you exercise your cells?

Did you give yourself a mini-facelift?

Did you increase lymphatic drainage?

Whilst lifting those weights did you strengthen your Heart and Lungs as well as your biceps?

Most importantly, did you give your cells a good workout, including the liver, kidneys, bladder?

How about Bone Mass? Did your exercise today effect your bone density?

Maybe you should switch the apparatus you are using. You see, there is only one exercise which can do all of the above in just one exercise session.

This form of exercise also comes in at a close second to the fastest way to burn calories. (The fastest is skipping, such as the boxers do when they are trying to lose a pound before weigh-in).

What could this “miracle” exercise possibly be?

Such an amazing exercise that it can induce dropemine chemicals to the brain, making you feel happy, lifting depression.

And most importantly, exercising every single muscle in your whole body, right down to each and every cell within you.

The miracle exercise is in fact, the Trampoline.

Trampoline exercise strengthens each and every muscle, organ, tissue and cell in your entire body. Most other exercise programs are designed to strengthen only voluntary muscles or isolated muscle groups. Trampoline exercise strengthens your whole body inside and out, including cells in the liver, kidneys, bladder, heart and lungs. Externally your skin will smooth, tighten and you will look more youthful, diminishing lines and wrinkles; you will get a natural face lift.

When it comes to Results, the trampoline really is the King of exercise.

But don’t just take my word for it. Ask NASA,

who did a study on the ‘rebound’ exercise concluding that trampoline exercise is 68% more efficient than treadmills or other forms of exercise. NASA also found rebounding to be helpful in rebuilding the bone mass and muscle mass that astronauts lose in the weightlessness of space.

How does it do this?

At the peak of the bounce every cell in your body is suspended for a split second in a state of weightlessness. At the bottom of the bounce, every cell in your body is receiving as much as two to four times normal gravitational force. That is the same as weighing two to four times your normal weight. You can demonstrate this effect by standing on your bathroom scale. When you bounce or jump lightly on the scale you will register more weight than by just standing still. As every cell is stressed, each in turn develops more strength.

Trampoline exercise will even make your bones stronger. When astronauts were subjected to weightlessness for weeks at a time, they lost both muscle strength and bone density. Without gravitational pull, muscles and bones wither. They quickly become weaker and less dense. Conversely, bone density and muscle strength increase significantly when subjected to increased gravitational pull. Because the body interprets the acceleration and deceleration of bouncing on a trampoline as an increase in gravitational pull, muscles and bones gain strength, far beyond what is considered normal. Highly recommended for osteoporosis. It should be noted that being inactive or sedentary (laying and sitting all day) has the same effect on the body as weightlessness.

Your whole body gets over 5000 impulses, stresses or muscle contractions per hour. Every time you land on a trampoline your body or cells want to collapse upon impact. In order not to collapse or crumple upon impact your cells must resist. This resistance is what builds strength, cellular strength. When trampolining, remember this: each and every cell in the entire body is simultaneously getting stronger. Again, all areas of your body, your face, legs, arms, calf’s, waist, back, shoulders, chest, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder and all internal organs are getting stronger and healthier together. At the same time your lymphatic system is working to remove poisons and toxins, giving you a double benefit.

But Trampolining is for kids, right?

Wrong! It has incredible results for adults apart from the health benefits which are endless. Many scientific studies have led scientists to conclude that jumping on a trampoline is possibly the most effective exercise yet devised by people. It can even make you look and feel younger! Regular cardiovascular exercise by rebounding on a trampoline is one of the vitally important factors to slow the aging process.

Dr. James White at the University of California San Diego says that rebounding exercise is,

“…the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has discovered,” and that rebounding “is effective in improving the symptoms of over 80% of the patients reporting to our rehabilitation lab.”

As an exercise program The trampoline is perfect for starting from scratch. You can bounce very gently to get you started and slowly build up to more energetic routines. Unlike jogging and running,trampoline exercises have a zero-impact stress on your joints and bodily systems.

Trampoline exercise reduces your body fat which is highly beneficial for diabetes and many other diseases. It provides an aerobic exercise activity that is very beneficial for your, lungs, heart and respiratory system and the great thing is it provides your body energy when it’s tired. All of these measures are tremendously beneficial for the prevention of heart disease.

Regular exercise using the trampoline helps combat depression. It is widely known that exercise in general helps with depression. But trampolining is particularly advantageous as it has a ‘fear’ factor. This fear factor produces adrenalin which lifts your mood tremendously. Plus, it just makes you laugh! especially when you fall over and feel silly! On a scientific level, the trampoline helps normalize your blood pressure and helps prevent cardiovascular disease and lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Can you imagine feeling better and finding relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise. What about restless nights, or if you are stressed out, regular exercise provides ways to relieve stress and promotes easier relaxation and better sleep patterns.